Napata 3rd Scientific Conference 2023

On Environmental Conservation “Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and Solutions” The 3rd Napata scientific Conference on “Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and Solutions 2023” will be delivered in-person in Khartoum, Sudan and virtually, providing the opportunity of online presentation for the participants who cannot travel for any reason. The 3rd Napata scientific Conference on “Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and…

Event Schedules

Event Schedules

الورقة الأولى –  اليوم الأول – الجلسة العامة الأولى منهج الرياضة الآمنة: مقاربات إضافية للتعليم الصحي Structured safe physical activity: an additional approach to health sciences education المقدم:  بروفيسور حسن أبو عائشة الورقة الثانية – اليوم الأول – الجلسة العامة الثانية التغيرات المناخية ونظم إدارة الموارد المائية: تعزيز مناعة المجتمعات الزراعية إزاء السيول في السودان Climatic changes and water resources…

1st Scientific Conference

1st Scientific Conference

  Napata college 1st Scientific Conference “Advances in Scientific Research” Plenary sessions Role of private sector in renaissance of higher education. SEFA for prevention and management of NCDs. Climatic change, water resources management and community resistance of flood risks. Family studies for the maintenance of Sudanese family cohesion.  Conference Themes Biotechnology in medical research.  Impact of Nutrition on Health Computer…