Napata 3rd Scientific Conference 2023


Environmental Conservation

“Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and Solutions”

The 3rd Napata scientific Conference on “Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and Solutions 2023” will be delivered in-person in Khartoum, Sudan and virtually, providing the opportunity of online presentation for the participants who cannot travel for any reason.

The 3rd Napata scientific Conference on “Conserving the Sudan Environment: Problems and Solutions 2023” aims to allow the global media, government and specialized researchers to focus on conserving the Sudan environment and link problems suchas poverty, health, economics and climatic change, by creating global debate on the problems and present the possible solutions.


1. Environmental Hazards

  •  Biological, Physical or Chemical hazards
  •  Health hazards (NCDS mortality, Prevalence and incidence, Seasonal and demographic data)
  •  Control of Cancer.

2. Climate Change

  • Regional
  • International

3. Waste Management.

  • Electronic waste
  • Electromagnetic waste
  • Radiation
  • Chemical waste
  • Plastic waste

4. Environmental Reform

  • Governance
  • Regulatory reform
  • Institutional reform 
  • Environmental corruption and crime/ Solutions.

5. Water Management

  • Water resources management
  • Water safety and insecurity
  • Taming al Gash River
  • Ground water contamination 
  • Hood hazards
  • Red sea coastal communities

6. Air Pollution

7. Food Safety and security

8. Environmental issues of land use (urban-agriculture – industrial)

  • Impact of human behavior, culture and education on the environment 
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Degrading plant covers and pastures
  • Gold mining (problems and solution)

9. Finance of research on environmental conservation.

10.  Environmental citizenship.

11. Geospatial environmental study.

Key dates

Deadline for registration and abstracts submission30 June 2023
Notification of abstracts acceptance27 July 2023
Deadline for full text submission31 August 2023
Notification of full text acceptanceOctober 1st 2023
Deadline for  PPT presentation submission15 October 2023

Poster Board Dimensions:
Authors presenting via poster boards are to be informed that poster boards are 118 cm height and 84 cm width.

Author Guidelines

All contributions must be original and should not have been published elsewhere.

  • All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed
  • The congress proceedings will be published in the abstract conference proceedings
  • Selected papers from the conference will be submitted for possible publication in Napata Scientific Journal (e-ISSN: 2948-3018, p-ISSN: 2948-300) for free. 
  • Each paper will be assigned a unique DOI number by Crossref.

Abstract: The abstract should be four points structured, around 250 words.  and must give a clear indication of the objectives, scope, results of the research and conclusion. No figures or tables are allowed. Four to six keywords should be written at the end of abstract.

Full Paper: Papers should be prepared in English and carefully checked for correct grammar. And limited to 12 pages and are more descriptive of the work that has been done. Also, more sections, images, graphs, and results could be presented. All papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee Members. All papers must be submitted in electronic form using the website of the conference. Papers should be prepared as software word documents in doc/docx format.
Once the reviewing process is complete, the contact author of each paper will be notified of the result by e-mail. The authors are required to follow the reviews to improve their papers before their final submission.  (Guidelines pdf)

Paper Presentation

All papers must be presented by one of the authors. Oral presentations for these submissions are limited to 15 mins and poster presentations to 5 mins.